Moreno Valley, California
Dental Bonding
A smile can be very pretty if your teeth are shining like pearls. Dental bonding is a less expensive method to get shiny white teeth. The procedure of dental bonding is simple; a resin material that is similar to your tooth color is utilized. This material is made to bond with the tooth by introducing a special light while applying the resin to teeth. Once the process is over you get a fabulous smile with white teeth. Lengthy Cosmetic surgery and expensive dental procedures are no more necessary to make small cosmetic changes. The bonding can be used to remove any flaws, close any cracks and for whitening your teeth. This procedure is less expensive when compared with veneers. But in terms of long lasting results, porcelain veneer is the winner.
When to choose dental bonding?
If you have very minor problems with your teeth then opt for dental bonding. Some of the problems are, filing the cavities as a result of tooth decay, filling the space between each tooth, whitening the dull colored tooth, shaping an improper tooth and fix cracked teeth. Doctors choose this procedure for many other dental problems to have temporary solution.
Dental bonding is an affordable option when comparing it with crowns and veneers. Crowns and veneers are very expensive and time consuming. Doctors use a custom made tooth which are made in a lab to be fixed in veneers and crowns method. It may take several weeks to complete this procedure. But dental bonding is a procedure that can be completed in a single sitting. The next advantage is the amount of enamel that is being removed during this method is very less when compared to the veneers and crowns method. Also Anesthesia is completely not necessary in this method.
Dental bonding procedure is used in limit to certain minor dental and cosmetic changes due to some of their disadvantages. They are not long lasting like veneers and crowns treatment. There are chances of having stains in the altered tooth due to its poor stain resistant quality. Quality of the bonding material is not up to the mark of porcelain veneers. Only temporary defects can be altered by this method. Dental bonding cannot be done on the tooth which receives high bite pressure.
Overall it is very clear that dental bonding is an affordable procedure that can be confidently used only for minor dental corrections.
Moreno Valley Dental Center understands that dental care can be scary and expensive. That's why we believe in adding a personal touch to everything we do. When you come to our office, we don't just see dollar signs. We see someone who deserves expert dental care: someone whose dental habits now will affect their oral health for the rest of their life.
We promise to be clear with you about how we work. We'll let you know any problems we see, and we'll let you know what you can do at home to improve your dental health.
That's the Moreno Valley Dental Center promise.
Moreno Valley Dental Center
Moreno Valley Dental Center
is dedicated to helping Moreno Valley
residents get the dental care they need. Whether you want cosmetic treatment, have gum issues, or are suffering from a dental emergency, you can come to Moreno Valley Dental Center
for help.
24266 POSTAL AVE, #100
Moreno Valley, California 92553
United States